Terrible punning conundra
Some of these are from books I have written, and occasionally even published, but I permit myself to plagiarize myself, you know, for the *thrills*
The conundra.
1. Q: Who boasts too much Gen X ennui
To order wings at KFC?
2. Q.: How are the sides of a triangle like Belle’s looks?
3. Q.: What kind of yams learn from painful experience to cultivate their garden?
4. Q.: Why do earrings fit into neutered kine on a jetty?
5. Q.: What is a Muslim’s favorite kind of anime?
6. Q.: What popular children’s franchise is named for an indigent living under a bridge?
7. Q.: Who said, “Don’t cry for me, pagan Russia”?
8. Q.: What award goes to the most decadent football player?
9. Q.: Why should you not let the X-Men carry your bags?
10. Q.: Why can you make tea with the River Spree?
11. Q.: Where do you go to learn how to wall someone up in your wine cellar?
12. Q.: How is a handshaking dog like what dreams may come?
13. Q.: Is it scary to peep at import duties?
14. Q.: What does Rene Magritte say in an emergency?
1. Breast-eatin’ Ellis.
2. They have no parallel.
3. Candide yams.
4. They’re pier steers.
5. Ones where the hero faces mecha.
6. Pauper Troll
7. Eva Perun.
8. The Huysmans Trophy.
9. No one likes an uncanny valet.
10. It’s Berlin water.
11. A Montresori school.
12. They both must give us paws.
13. Scary? It’s tariff eyeing!
14. This is not a drill.
I’m sorry.